
Valeria Gasparrini ( Rome, 1964), was formed thanks to a rich contribution of artistic and literary experiences: classical studies, research in ceramics, painting, fresco, engraving, drawing from life; attended the three-year course of illustration at the IED, and was trained in the graphic engraved at the Stamperia del Tevere , in Rome. Today she works as an artist, as an advertising illustrator and freelance editorial, as a teacher of drawing, visual and illustration at Quasar Design University, the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila ABAQ, the American University in Rome AUR. He draws live in theatrical performances, and realizes performances with stage machines of various nature that builds and animates on stage. As an artist he has participated in personal and collective exhibitions, and passionately dedicates himself to the creation of artist’s books, combining his remarkable illustrative nature with the infinite expressive possibilities of engraving techniques.

He has exhibited in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Faenza, Venice, Paris, Luxembourg, Rothemburg. Some of his works are part of permanent exhibitions, such as the ceramic work "Rain" at the International Museum of ceramics in Faenza, the artist book "How many irreplaceable lives", exhibited at the national library of Luxembourg, and its printed version exhibited at the Casa della Memoria in Rome.

They wrote about here

Daniele Scalise, Loris Schermi, Francesca Tuscano, Michèle Wallenborn, Devin Kovach, Sarah Linford, Gianluca Tedaldi. Valeria Bertesina.

For interested people,
I am writing to offer the highest recommendation for Valeria Gasparrini who has held two engraving workshops for the Rome Center of Architecture and Culture at Woodbury University which I direct. He guided the students' works, taking them from the initial drawings to the creation of the definitive prints and their possible display in an exhibition. I find her one of the most creatively contagious and inspiring people with whom I have had the opportunity to collaborate.
Let me take the liberty of offering a few details regarding his remarkable abilities. To begin with, she is a very competent artist in her field. She is also generous in sharing her experience and does so with great enthusiasm.
In the initial phase of the projects he offers numerous approaches, both experimental and conventional, with the aim of giving birth to works of art that can then be created on slabs.
In the workshops we used zinc and copper plates, and the results were surprising. It featured field sketching exercises, complex mapping projects, and digital plate file translations. It has provided Woodbury with some of the most powerful and transformative learning experiences students have had in Rome; also in relation to what they do at home. Our students love her and she has been there for them every step of the way, teaching them techniques to achieve their creative goals.
It is a magical moment when the students complete the drawings, prepare the plates, ink them working in their studio. And then they print them. This would not have been possible for us without Valeria's expertise.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer a great recommendation for Valeria and I would be happy to discuss her merits further should you wish to contact me at my email: paulette.singey@gmail.c
Best regards
Paulette Singley
Woodbury University professor,
Director of the Rome Center for Architecture and Culture


interventi a linoleografia su acquaforte. stampa di matrici multiple. Misure della stampa: 30W x 50H, carta Tiepolo 290 gr. 40W x 60H
Autori:Autor:Valeria Gasparrini, Usama Saad
Tecnica:Technique:Etching, linocut, multiple matrices printing
Scopri di più su questa tecnica Find out more about this technique
Opera in venditaArtwork for sale
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Sales method

Se volete acquistare un’opera potete scrivermi in privato; il prezzo è specificato nelle info per ogni singola immagine, insieme con le misure sia della stampa che della carta, ed è al netto delle spese di spedizione. Potete pagare tramite Paypal (in questo caso l’acquisto è coperto dalla garanzia Paypal) o bonifico; in entrambi i casi emetterò una ricevuta o una fattura. Le immagini sono accurate, e riflettono fedelmente l'originale, ma se l'opera che vi arriva dovesse discostarsi da quanto vi aspettavate potete restituirla, ed io vi restituirò l'importo; le spese di restituzione saranno a vostro carico, e l'imballo dovrà essere accurato come quello che avete ricevuto. Nella causale del pagamento va specificato il vostro nome, cognome ed il titolo dell’opera; I costi di spedizione sono a carico del compratore, quindi la modalità di spedizione (poste ordinarie, corriere…) è di vostra scelta; purché preveda la tracciabilità del pacco. L’opera verrà spedita arrotolata, per evitare ammaccature; l’imballaggio sarà accurato. Ogni opera sarà accompagnata da una scheda tecnica firmata dall'artista dove sarà specificata la tecnica e la tiratura; sarà inoltre contrassegnata da un timbro a secco dell'autrice.

If you want to buy a work you can write to me in private; the price is specified in the info for every single image, along with the measures of both the print and the paper, and is to the net of the shipping costs. You can pay by Paypal (in this case the purchase is covered by the Paypal guarantee) or bank transfer; in both cases I will issue a receipt or an invoice. The images are accurate, and faithfully reflect the original, but if the work that comes to you deviates from what you expected you can return it, and I will return the amount; the return costs will be at your expense, and the packaging should be as accurate as the one you received. In the reason of payment must be specified your name, surname and the title of the work; The shipping costs are borne by the buyer, then the shipping method (ordinary post, courier...) is of your choice; provided it provides for the traceability of the package. The work will be shipped rolled, to avoid dents; the packaging will be accurate. Each work will be accompanied by a technical sheet signed by the artist where the technique and the print run will be specified; it will also be marked by a dry stamp of the author


ALPHABETS REFLECTIONS is the title of the artistic project that combines Arabic calligraphy and Western writing. The work SE is made with four hands with the use of different techniques cal-cografiche, and investigates the conceptual couple ” Doubt as Reason”. The choice of 7 pairs of concepts on which the artists worked was the first step of a research work to show, but at the same time recompose, through an innovative game of “lettering”, the rifts between Islamic and Western culture.
In my interpretation every press is the result of several steps and elaborations in the printing phase; working with Usama Saad on the concept of “Doubt as Reason”, I decided to play on the double meaning that in Italian has the word “If”. IF as maybe, and IF as themselves; for me keeping the SE at bay – in all senses – is always an adventure.
I graphically constructed the word SE in its repetitions and with the choice of multiple matrix printing I did not set limits to the printing variables. I chose not to choose in the series of possibilities offered by colors and their overlaps and to give space to all the expressive hypotheses that attracted me and convinced me.The work therefore consists of several works forming a Suite, with different tonal modulations of the same subject, and is not unique, but happily multiple and interchangeable.
A selection of the works -assembled as suites- was exhibited in the exhibition “Alphabets Reflections” art and writing otre the borders, which was held from October to January 20121 at the museums of Villa Torlonia, dependence of the Casina delle Civette, in Rome; under the patronage of the Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.

Mostre o spettacoli in cui l'opera è stata esposta

A selection of the works -assembled as suites- was exhibited in the exhibition “Alphabets Reflections” art and writing otre the borders, which was held from October to January 20121 at the museums of Villa Torlonia, dependence of the Casina delle Civette, in Rome; under the patronage of the Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.

In the Dependence of the Casina delle Civette the exhibition “ALPHABETS REFLECTIONS art and writing beyond borders”, 26 works, born from the collaboration of artists from different countries, testify to the research of a common language on the art of engraving. From 20 October 2021 to 16 January 2022, promoted by Roma Culture, Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage, under the patronage of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Cultural Institute of Iran – art and culture of Persia and Polish Institute of Rome, will take place in the Dependence of the Casina delle Civette, Museums of Villa Torlonia, the exhibition ALPHABETS REFLECTIONS art  and writing beyond borders, which presents a choral work on the theme of writing where the culture and visions of artists from different countries could compare and find a common language in the experimentation of the art of engraving. Museum services of Zètema Progetto Cultura.
The 26 works made with four hands all contain a double creative identity. The Arabic calligraphy, created by Usama Saad, Italian-Egyptian artist, has been used as a fifth symbol that welcomes the marked individuality with which artists from Bangladesh, Canada, China, Finland, Iran, Italy, Poland, Tunisia and USA intervened with their own techniques, styles and different alphabets. The initiative testifies how an artistic community – which welcomes different worlds and a collaborative artistic practice – can contribute to overcoming the fear of confrontation with something stylistically and humanly different, and thus create a vision of making creative communication open to dialogue and able to read contemporaneity.The exhibition, organized by the Cultural Association Stamperia Ripa 69, curated by Ursula Bonetti and Usama Saad, will be accompanied by a series of educational activities dedicated to the different techniques of engraving, including workshops for children and adults.


Sistema musei di Roma Capitale: http://www.museivillatorlonia.it/it/mostra-evento/dimostrazioni-di-tecniche-dellincisione-stampa-e-calligrafia-araba

The parallel vision: https://theparallelvision.com/2021/10/30/alfabeti-riflessi-mostra-villa-torlonia/

Ars et Furor: http://www.arsetfuror.com/r4Arteinforma69A.htm

E-Art Magazine: https://eartmagazine.it/2021/11/07/alfabeti-riflessi-alla-casina-delle-civette-di-roma/

Giornalista Indipendente: https://www6367.wordpress.com/2021/10/29/immagini-quotidiane-mostre-quando-larte-spera-alfabeti-riflessi-arte-e-scrittura-oltre-i-confini/




Continua a leggere

Usama Saad
Arianna Angelini
Luisa Baciarlini
Takoua Ben Mohamed
Monica Jahan Bose
Gianna Bentivenga
Maria Pina Bentivenga
Virginia Carbonelli
Malgorzata Chomicz
Alessia Consiglio
Susanna Doccioli
Stefania Fabrizi
Valeria Gasparrini
Bahar Hamzehpour
Lingyi Hong
Sanna Maija Laaksonen
Antonella Leoni
Laura Peres
Giorgia Pilozzi
Maria Gabriella Quercia
Anna Romanello
Caterina Tedeschini
Maria Irene Vairo
Sarah Naomi Zakaib

Exhibitions or shows where the work was exhibited

A selection of the works -assembled as suites- was exhibited in the exhibition “Alphabets Reflections” art and writing otre the borders, which was held from October to January 20121 at the museums of Villa Torlonia, dependence of the Casina delle Civette, in Rome; under the patronage of the Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.

In the Dependence of the Casina delle Civette the exhibition “ALPHABETS REFLECTIONS art and writing beyond borders”, 26 works, born from the collaboration of artists from different countries, testify to the research of a common language on the art of engraving. From 20 October 2021 to 16 January 2022, promoted by Roma Culture, Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage, under the patronage of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Cultural Institute of Iran – art and culture of Persia and Polish Institute of Rome, will take place in the Dependence of the Casina delle Civette, Museums of Villa Torlonia, the exhibition ALPHABETS REFLECTIONS art  and writing beyond borders, which presents a choral work on the theme of writing where the culture and visions of artists from different countries could compare and find a common language in the experimentation of the art of engraving. Museum services of Zètema Progetto Cultura.
The 26 works made with four hands all contain a double creative identity. The Arabic calligraphy, created by Usama Saad, Italian-Egyptian artist, has been used as a fifth symbol that welcomes the marked individuality with which artists from Bangladesh, Canada, China, Finland, Iran, Italy, Poland, Tunisia and USA intervened with their own techniques, styles and different alphabets. The initiative testifies how an artistic community – which welcomes different worlds and a collaborative artistic practice – can contribute to overcoming the fear of confrontation with something stylistically and humanly different, and thus create a vision of making creative communication open to dialogue and able to read contemporaneity.The exhibition, organized by the Cultural Association Stamperia Ripa 69, curated by Ursula Bonetti and Usama Saad, will be accompanied by a series of educational activities dedicated to the different techniques of engraving, including workshops for children and adults.


Sistema musei di Roma Capitale: http://www.museivillatorlonia.it/it/mostra-evento/dimostrazioni-di-tecniche-dellincisione-stampa-e-calligrafia-araba

The parallel vision: https://theparallelvision.com/2021/10/30/alfabeti-riflessi-mostra-villa-torlonia/

Ars et Furor: http://www.arsetfuror.com/r4Arteinforma69A.htm

E-Art Magazine: https://eartmagazine.it/2021/11/07/alfabeti-riflessi-alla-casina-delle-civette-di-roma/

Giornalista Indipendente: https://www6367.wordpress.com/2021/10/29/immagini-quotidiane-mostre-quando-larte-spera-alfabeti-riflessi-arte-e-scrittura-oltre-i-confini/




Continua a leggere

Usama Saad
Arianna Angelini
Luisa Baciarlini
Takoua Ben Mohamed
Monica Jahan Bose
Gianna Bentivenga
Maria Pina Bentivenga
Virginia Carbonelli
Malgorzata Chomicz
Alessia Consiglio
Susanna Doccioli
Stefania Fabrizi
Valeria Gasparrini
Bahar Hamzehpour
Lingyi Hong
Sanna Maija Laaksonen
Antonella Leoni
Laura Peres
Giorgia Pilozzi
Maria Gabriella Quercia
Anna Romanello
Caterina Tedeschini
Maria Irene Vairo
Sarah Naomi Zakaib

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Variants of the work
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