
Valeria Gasparrini ( Rome, 1964), was formed thanks to a rich contribution of artistic and literary experiences: classical studies, research in ceramics, painting, fresco, engraving, drawing from life; attended the three-year course of illustration at the IED, and was trained in the graphic engraved at the Stamperia del Tevere , in Rome. Today she works as an artist, as an advertising illustrator and freelance editorial, as a teacher of drawing, visual and illustration at Quasar Design University, the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila ABAQ, the American University in Rome AUR. He draws live in theatrical performances, and realizes performances with stage machines of various nature that builds and animates on stage. As an artist he has participated in personal and collective exhibitions, and passionately dedicates himself to the creation of artist’s books, combining his remarkable illustrative nature with the infinite expressive possibilities of engraving techniques.

He has exhibited in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Faenza, Venice, Paris, Luxembourg, Rothemburg. Some of his works are part of permanent exhibitions, such as the ceramic work "Rain" at the International Museum of ceramics in Faenza, the artist book "How many irreplaceable lives", exhibited at the national library of Luxembourg, and its printed version exhibited at the Casa della Memoria in Rome.

They wrote about here

Daniele Scalise, Loris Schermi, Francesca Tuscano, Michèle Wallenborn, Devin Kovach, Sarah Linford, Gianluca Tedaldi. Valeria Bertesina.

For interested people,
I am writing to offer the highest recommendation for Valeria Gasparrini who has held two engraving workshops for the Rome Center of Architecture and Culture at Woodbury University which I direct. He guided the students' works, taking them from the initial drawings to the creation of the definitive prints and their possible display in an exhibition. I find her one of the most creatively contagious and inspiring people with whom I have had the opportunity to collaborate.
Let me take the liberty of offering a few details regarding his remarkable abilities. To begin with, she is a very competent artist in her field. She is also generous in sharing her experience and does so with great enthusiasm.
In the initial phase of the projects he offers numerous approaches, both experimental and conventional, with the aim of giving birth to works of art that can then be created on slabs.
In the workshops we used zinc and copper plates, and the results were surprising. It featured field sketching exercises, complex mapping projects, and digital plate file translations. It has provided Woodbury with some of the most powerful and transformative learning experiences students have had in Rome; also in relation to what they do at home. Our students love her and she has been there for them every step of the way, teaching them techniques to achieve their creative goals.
It is a magical moment when the students complete the drawings, prepare the plates, ink them working in their studio. And then they print them. This would not have been possible for us without Valeria's expertise.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer a great recommendation for Valeria and I would be happy to discuss her merits further should you wish to contact me at my email: paulette.singey@gmail.c
Best regards
Paulette Singley
Woodbury University professor,
Director of the Rome Center for Architecture and Culture

50° Faenza Award

21 x 30, 138 colour pages
Autori:Autor:Gian Carlo Bojani, Dirma Dal Prato
Cliente:Client:Concorso nazionale della ceramica d'arte di Faenza, MIC
Casa editrice:Publishing house:Studio 88 editore

The International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Faenza has been profoundly renewed to continue to be that sure authoritative world reference point of ceramic art, which has gradually established itself since 1938 to the present day. The 50th edition of the Biennial Competition has in fact identified new criteria for the selection of works, aimed at making the new generations think and stimulate on research, on the renewal of techniques, materials, forms and modes of expression of this art. The new proposal met with the favor of 578 young artists from 57 countries of each continent, who sent 1,378 works. Their vision therefore offers up-to-date documentation on the artistic trends of this century and on contemporary ceramics, contributing to further characterize the role of Faenza as a showcase and crossroads of diverse and driving experiences in the field of aesthetic research, design and production. The rigor that inspired the jury (the Australian ceramist and publisher Janet Mansfield and the American contemporary ceramic art critic Garth Clark) recognized the cultural differences, aiming to enhance the international level of professionalism in the use of techniques and in the expression of ideas achieved by the selected artists. The same rigor has allowed us to identify ” future promises” of ceramic art, highlighting those elements of freshness, those aesthetic intuitions and that touch of recklessness and youthful rebellion to the “classic rules” that, as such, allows to keep open the door to experimentation, innovation, creative imagination. [… ]

Enrico de Giovanni


The 50th Premio Faenza, held at the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza in 1997, is intended for young potters and artisans with the aim of encouraging new and energetic approaches to ceramic art. […] Walking through the works on display on the tables we were well aware of the long tradition and the high reputation of the competition of Faenza. The set of works viewed contained a wide range of ideas, with a diversity of measure and technical ability. It was our responsibility to choose significant works that testified competence in the use of materials and ceramic processes and also to demonstrate determination of aesthetic intentions and points of view individual. We were looking for a work that had integrity, that expressed individual goals, a work that brought new light to traditional ceramic values or could relate to contemporary life. We have found these criteria adopted. From the most delicate porcelain to the expressive rough terracotta, from important and committed social statements on the human situation to lyrical pieces romantically inspired by nature, architectural buildings or organic and anthropomorphic forms, these works from around the world reflect different contexts and different aesthetic. Rilssato or dynamic, fragile or powerful The “Faenza Prize 1997 showcases the existing possibilities in the field of ceramics at its extreme poles. To be able to judge these expressions of art so diverse and personal needed long discussions within the jury that, However, he agreed on the merit of the winners and on the fact that the competition 1997, 50th edition, will turn out to be an excellent exhibition, which will well deserve the high tradition of the “Premio Faenza”.

Janet Mansfield

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