Watercolor ANNONE

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If you want to buy a work you can write to me in private; the price is specified in the info for every single image, along with the measures of both the print and the paper, and is to the net of the shipping costs. You can pay by Paypal (in this case the purchase is covered by the Paypal guarantee) or bank transfer; in both cases I will issue a receipt or an invoice. The images are accurate, and faithfully reflect the original, but if the work that comes to you deviates from what you expected you can return it, and I will return the amount; the return costs will be at your expense, and the packaging should be as accurate as the one you received. In the reason of payment must be specified your name, surname and the title of the work; The shipping costs are borne by the buyer, then the shipping method (ordinary post, courier...) is of your choice; provided it provides for the traceability of the package. The work will be shipped rolled, to avoid dents; the packaging will be accurate. Each work will be accompanied by a technical sheet signed by the artist where the technique and the print run will be specified; it will also be marked by a dry stamp of the author

Annone was a rare albino elephant that the king of Portugal, Manuel D’Aviz, donated in 1514 to Pope Leo X. A voyage by ship was organized with other exotic animals, an expedition of 140 men and an important treasure: fabrics, brocades, gold objects and jewels; the ship departed from Portugal, crossed the Mediterranean, passed through Alicante and Majorca and landed in Porto Ercole, today in the Argentario promontory. The arrival of the animal sucitava everywhere admiration and curiosity, the crowd accompanied the travelers and greeted them from the roofs of the houses. The arrival in Rome was a triumph. The caravan disembarked at Porto di Ripetta and traveled the road to Castel Sant’Angelo, where the animal knelt three times before Leo X to pay homage. Then he poured water with his trunk not only the cardinals present, but also the crowd of spectators.